Sunday, May 11, 2008


Nandigram... one more blot.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


inside vs outside

Looking at a sunset, just for a second you forget your separateness: you are the sunset. That is the moment when you feel the beauty of it. But the moment you say that it is a beautiful sunset, you are no longer feeling it; you have come back to your separate, enclosed entity of the ego. Now the mind is speaking. And this is one of the mysteries, that the mind can speak, and knows nothing; and the heart knows everything, and cannot speak. Perhaps to know too much makes it difficult to speak; the mind knows so little, it is possible for it to speak. - Osho

June 15

urge to explore should the end you will come to same point but new place!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Demeaning others

Jst a thought came to my mind... the people who enjoy insulting others, demeaning others and laughing on others...those who have inferiority complex within them!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004



Train of thoughts takes me away,
but does not show me what next
I search for lost and longed,
finally tired and lost in text

some constant flickering still bubbles into my mind
what do I get and what do I lose,
still unable to differentiate
but one question always puzzle me
why I am overridden, with this constant
is it that constant, I am searching all time
still no end and no glimse of ray
still the hope remain
still the hope remain
still the hope remain

long ago heard those story of
deer and it hunt for treasure
and I can see no end to my search
which makes deer story similar to my own

the question still remain
why does passion flows from those
who are out of our reach
lost in our search and bored from beach
always these loss make me wonder
and keep the blood flowing inside my veins
and hunt for answer remain
and may well live remain
as the passion flow from outside
and they remain part of outside

Wednesday, October 27, 2004



When the world sleeps in fairy arms,
Grass are wet and sea shore roaring

I sit in my small hut and think of you
where does the future lies,
in your arms or dew

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